
Our Customers Say

“Your business should receive a gold star for excellence in service and caring for your customers!”


“Heat pump worked great during these outside temperatures on the following dates at Bobtail Flats:

  • February 4th, 2014: -7 below
  • February 5th, 2014: -24 below
  • February 6th, 2014: -27 below
  • February 7th, 2014: -14 below
  • February 8th, 2014: -1 below
  • February 9th, 2014: 5 above

We are very satisfied!”

Margie & Jr, Libby, MT

Our Mitsubishi heat pump work’s just like it did when Formula Fabrication installed it, haven’t even had to touch it.

Bill, Libby, MT

Formula Fabrication
31936 US Highway 2, Libby, Montana
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm